

About Tomaž
Business card



Tomaž Adam, diplomirani astrolog

Tomaž Adam
diplomirani astrolog
Stranska pot 2, 1370 Logatec

+ 386 41 879 802

About Tomaž

Tomaž Adam was born in 1976 in Ljubljana, under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Already as a child, he began to wonder about the invisible forces that dictate the life of an individual. In his life course, he began to explore why different people react and act in a completely different way, on the first glance, the same circumstances. Among other things, the path took him to Astro Astrology School (www.astro.si), where he graduated in 2012. Astrology began giving him solid answers, so he continues to educate and deepen the knowledge of this incredibly interesting science.

Through insights into various astrological charts, the tendencies can be seen by reading the stars. We are not talking here about standard divination, but about the understanding of the energies that are leading us in a certain way and within which we will experience the experiences in the "activated" fields in the future.

Tomaž produces artistic orgonites, which in addition to their basic activity are also designed as a decoration in every home. In addition, an orgonite can be also custom-made, which serves as a device for replacing the missing energies of an individual, family member or the whole family.


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