

Personal Horoscope
Calculation of birthday horoscope
Why does astrology work?



Tomaž Adam, diplomirani astrolog

Tomaž Adam
diplomirani astrolog
Stranska pot 2, 1370 Logatec

+ 386 41 879 802

Why does astrology work?

People here on Earth are all part of a totality, as are planets on the sky, therefore we can agreeably express their internal influences in a symbolic language. Saying it simple, we can say that astrology is a method, through which we “translate” the symbols into a language that is understandable to us.

What is a natal horoscope? This is easiest to understand, if we imagine taking a picture of the position of the planets, at the birth time of a baby and drawing it into a special tablet – a natal chart. It is no coincidence that we are born in an exact moment in time, at an exact place and each degree and minute, that describe the position of the planetary system, has a deep archetypal symbol meaning.

The planets are the carriers of the symbolic encryption of energies, which will if we want it or not express throughout our lives. Certain situations will occur to us, and nothing that is not written will not occur. This might seem very harsh and cruel, that is the reason why humanity has been exploring the higher meaning of live for centuries. So, it is upon us, to start looking at life with a certain amount of “wisdom”. Astrology is an ancient science and a valued tool at understanding the life path of an individual.


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