

Personal Horoscope
Calculation of birthday horoscope
Why does astrology work?



Tomaž Adam, diplomirani astrolog

Tomaž Adam
diplomirani astrolog
Stranska pot 2, 1370 Logatec

+ 386 41 879 802

Personal Horoscope

A personal horoscope is one of the most convenient instruments for a personal analysis, as each birth chart is a unique reflection of the individuals personality. Except for the static outline of the chart, that explains the fundamental story of a person, astrology also uses several techniques and tools for deeper understanding of life paths and tendencies; for example, studying the transits and progressions, which are simply called – the dynamic view of astrology. From what has been told we can get a feeling, that each person has a specific development throughout his individual destiny. The planets are moving in every moment, and with this they influence the individual tendencies within a person.


How the external macrocosm influences the internal microcosm, is shown in these dynamic indicators, which are nothing else that the relationship between the current position of planets compared to the relationship of their position at the birth time of a person. Concrete events are hard to foretell, but a description is made of the themes that are currently active and will be active in the future.

The astrologer Tomaž Adam says: “In life we first develop certain characteristics, which are written in our birth chart. If we know, when we can expect change in specific life aspects, we can prepare for these changes. With understanding life, through experiences we grow and raise to a higher plain of being, therefore with the accurate preparation and internal work we can go through different life phases easier.


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